Save the date -
End-of-Year-Party is Saturday, November 2.
Start time is around 4 PM (details to follow)
Location: Cycle Brews
GBMS Teammates,
We will be introducing the GBMS "Stacked Team App" to help communicate better, let you know what events Teammates are going to, news, chat board, photo gallery, etc.
GBMS Membership: 2024 or the 2 year 2024/2025 membership is open. Membership will be $60 for 1 year and $110 for 2 years.
* Team Registration is open
Rates will be:
Single - 1 year = $60
Single - 2 year = $110
Couple - 1 year = $110
Couple - 2 year = $200
Green Bay Multisport is a team that facilitates a multisport lifestyle through participation in group training, events and educational opportunities. We create a supportive network to foster improvement, provide motivation and cultivate camaraderie.
Our mission is to provide multisport athletes of all ages and abilities opportunities to achieve their endurance goals in a team environment with a commitment to the betterment of the entire multisport community of North East Wisconsin.